ESRP Problems Rising?
Date: Wednesday, September 21 @ 00:38:35 MDT
Topic: Sprint PCS

In case you haven't noticed, our reporting on the PPC-6700 has turned into a confusion over what people do with their defective devices once they do become defective. Sprint has not responded to our requests for ESRP clarifications, which only adds fuel to the fire as to if even Sprint knows how to handle their own new warranty policies when it comes to old manufacturers who are seemingly unprepared for the merger's new ESRP changes.

The PPC-6700 is the first post-day-one device to fall under the new ESRP guidelines, which require the manfuacturer handle warranty issues with the customer unless the customer has the $6 ESRP plan addon on their account. Next time Sprint, when you launch a program, be able to get the media to understand where to tell people to send their broken devices.

But this is common procedure for groundbreaking in-store changes at Sprint. Break it, have associate managers fix, then wait until management can solve it internally.

This article comes from Sprint PCS Info

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