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  ESRP Problems Rising?
Posted on Wednesday, September 21 @ 00:38:35 MDT by Christopher_Price
  Sprint PCS In case you haven't noticed, our reporting on the PPC-6700 has turned into a confusion over what people do with their defective devices once they do become defective. Sprint has not responded to our requests for ESRP clarifications, which only adds fuel to the fire as to if even Sprint knows how to handle their own new warranty policies when it comes to old manufacturers who are seemingly unprepared for the merger's new ESRP changes.

The PPC-6700 is the first post-day-one device to fall under the new ESRP guidelines, which require the manfuacturer handle warranty issues with the customer unless the customer has the $6 ESRP plan addon on their account. Next time Sprint, when you launch a program, be able to get the media to understand where to tell people to send their broken devices.

But this is common procedure for groundbreaking in-store changes at Sprint. Break it, have associate managers fix, then wait until management can solve it internally.



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Re: ESRP Problems Rising? (Score: 1)
by ZERO on Sunday, October 02 @ 20:30:22 MDT
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Couple of things I want to comment on: 1) ESRP is $3, ERP is $4 and TEP is $6. ESRP is a service and repair, ERP is Insurance, & TEP is service and repair as well as Insurance. So for sake of this article I will only comment on the ESRP side as the Lockline (CDMA)/Signal (iDEN) side remains unchanged. ESRP is not a difficult program to understand, it only becomes difficult when the so called "media" gets their hands on things and attempts to play consumer advocate. To break it down into layman’s terms: If you are a consumer who has ESRP and has a problem with your device that isn’t deemed physical abuse (water damage, run over with a car, dog chewed, etc...) then Sprint will either fix or replace it at no additional charge to you for as long as you have the service on your account, even if your handset is 5 years old. Additionally, services like phone book transfer are included. If you choose not to purchase this service plan then you have 2 choices 1) call the manufacture and work it out with them, 2) pay the charge that associated with your service (between $15 & $55) which sprint will quote you before they do said service. Side note: regular matence releases for PRL and software are free to all customers & phone book transfers are included to anyone resigning a contract either through upgrade or new activation as well as those who have filed a Lockline claim. 2) For the people out there that have a problem with this let’s look at it logically. If you buy a FORD from a dealer and the car stops showing the correct amount of gas in the tank one of a couple things will happen: 1) A FORD certified mechanic will deem it is under warranty and fix it for you (not a dealer certified mechanic), 2) FORD will deem that it is because some one put sugar in your tank and direct you to the insurance company who you will file a claim with and they will pay FORD to fix it for you, 3) FORD will tell you that the part was recalled and replace it for free (consider this a mutinous release) or 4) FORD will deem it user error (I am not a mechanic, so I cannot comment on what type of user error would cause this). The dealer may have a garage on site, just like sprint has techs; however the difference is that all the parts used in the cars were manufactured by FORD and mechanics are certified by FORD, where as all the parts used in the phones were made by Samsung, Sanyo, ETC, and the techs certified by Sprint. The dealer is not eating the cost associated with your repair, Sprint is. 3) Lastly, “Next time Sprint, when you launch a program, be able to get the media to understand where to tell people to send their broken devices.” It isn’t up to Sprint to explain it to the media. When I have an issue with my phone I don’t call CH. 2 News to ask what I should do, I call Sprint. Sprint only has an obligation to their customers. What really baffles me about the ignorance of this article is that it shows the arrogance of the “media” and how they portray things, if you were not getting an answer from Sprint CS (which we all know is poorly trained and outsourced, which is the fault of Sprint) then head to the local store and pick up a pamphlet and read it, that is how I came to understand this policy change. Thank you for your time.


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