Now The MacBook Pro Batteries... (Updated Again) | Print |
Written by Christopher Price   
Tuesday, 02 May 2006
(Why is this on Sprint PCS Info? You wonder why we don't have another PCS Intel Podcast out yet... don't you?)

It seems that the whine of bad inverter and logic boards aren't the only thing affecting MacBook Pros (not to mention thermal grease in mountains). AppleCare has a silent recall going on with the MacBook Pro... battery.

"Up to W8608... serial numbers" are affected by this internal "we'll just send you a new one" AppleCare situation. This means that only the very first week or so of production of MacBook Pros are affected. However, the new MacBook Pro battery has created yet another battery debacle for the company that has defined a generation of exploding laptops.

Symptoms of battery failure include battery cutting off power to the system at very early stages, sporadic ampere hour reporting (coconutBattery), and the battery failing to respond when pressing the charging status button (after being charged and only slightly drained).


Update: To clarify, this is only affecting users that are affected... do not call Apple and ask for a new battery if you are having no problems with the one you have. Apple will deny there is a known issue and you'll be out a half-hour of your life. Apple policy is (and has almost always been) to deny internal known issues unless the AppleCare specialist is confident that the machine is subject to a particular known issue.

Update 2: Apple PR has responded saying they aren't aware of a silent recall. But, they did not comment as to if there were any known issues with early MBP batteries. Frequent readers of PCS Intel will know we've been through this before... with Sprint. Sprint played exactly the same verbal tic-for-tat with us on the Treo 600, claiming the Network Search bug was not under a silent recall, despite clear capture-and-replace orders distributed to Sprint Stores. For more details on this definition debate, check out our more recent posting on the matter.

The experiences of this reporter... and others, remain unchanged. Nobody that is suffering from this known-and-discussed issue is being diagnosed as not having a defective battery... AppleCare appears more than willing to swap them out without the typical extensive diagnosis. We stand by everything that has been said here, debating about recall-vs-known-issue notwithstanding.

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