Nokia CDMA & Sony Ericsson CDMA: History Repeats Itself |
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Written by Christopher Price
Thursday, 22 June 2006 |
Sony Ericsson completes a full port of their operating system to CDMA, makes a perfect bridge between GSM and CDMA2000, and then kills the division that made it.�� A limited release of 10,000 T608 phones trickle out to customers that realize the effort and benefit.
Replace Sony Ericsson with Nokia, and T608 with 6165i, and you have history repeating itself all over again.�� Series 40 3rd Edition will likely never make it out to another CDMA phone, despite the 6175i being feature-complete.�� Oh, and you can replace 6175i with T715 to link back in the Sony Ericsson analogy.
I'd end this post with a smiley face if it weren't such a disaster in terms of product management and business administration... all over again, and on so many levels.
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