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The Whiteboard
Written by Christopher Price   
Saturday, 19 August 2006
Summer is always the slow period for the mobile industry in terms of coverage. Everyone is gearing up for the fall, the holiday sales period, and nobody wants to announce new products. The good news is, this gives us time to make new progress on new features here at PCS Intel. Now, one of the ���cool��� things to do these days is to snap photos of whiteboards that are being used for product planning. And, at PCS Intel, we���re happy to oblige, in our never-a-dull-moment coverage.

Now, we���re about as secretive as the carriers about stuff we���re working on, so, without further ado�Ķ

PCS Intel���s Secret Whiteboard of Development (Click to Enlarge)

Okay, maybe that wasn���t what you were so hopeful to see. But, we���d love to see what you have to guess about our codenames, so, please sound off in our discussion page below. And, of course, we promise to fill in the blanks in the future.

Discuss In Our Forums
There Goes The Neighborhood...
Written by Christopher Price   
Saturday, 19 August 2006
This is the last weekend we'll be using our current look-and-feel on PCS Intel. Next week, PCS Intel will be sporting a brand new interface, with lots of improvements. We hope you like it.
You Didn't Get the Memo?
Written by Christopher Price   
Thursday, 10 August 2006
A lot of people have asked us what happened to our T-Mobile and Verizon Quarter Reports. To be honest, we weren't happy with the quality of them, and in the process of getting better intel, other stories took precedence in getting proper coverage. We hope to have them out within the next week, and promise the latest and best info possible.
Verizon Wireless Reaches Out to Customers
Written by Christopher Price   
Saturday, 05 August 2006
As a part of full disclosure, we generally make clear when we're participating in anything with carriers. Verizon Wireless has launched their new Customer Council... which is essentially a panel of the "elite of the elite" of their customers. This program sounds like a much more expanded version of Sprint's Ambassador program, however, we have higher hopes.

Sprint simply issued a phone to customers and welcomed feedback, however, based on what Verizon is offering; they are going to establish a more in-depth dialog.

Quite simply, this is good news. Verizon is finally going to sit down and hear what the elite users want to say... in a manner that can actually be processed in the company. They're not just reaching out to the Mobile Media, they're actually paneling savvy users who often are unsung in how they aide the wireless industry. I think that this relationship is the most constructive Verizon has had in terms of outreach in years, and we're going to let them know what you want.
Apple Caves... Months Later
Written by Christopher Price   
Monday, 31 July 2006
Apple has finally caved to our original reports of early MacBook Pro battery problems. They are now recalling MacBook Pro batteries from original revisions.

No pithy remarks required.
Again and Again and Again
Written by Christopher Price   
Monday, 31 July 2006
PCS Intel broke all prior records we've held for hits in July... thanks for making us the best, if not most watched, name in wireless news.
Site Upgrades
Written by Christopher Price   
Sunday, 30 July 2006
We apologize for some downtime yesterday. We took the forums offline for about a half-hour to deploy updates to the forum software and some underlying code. PCS Intel is now fully up-to-date on all components.
Motorola, Don't Do That Again
Written by Christopher Price   
Sunday, 30 July 2006
At PCS Intel, we aren't going to play Motorola's game. Every time we have been all set in the past week to report on their phones, they roll out more phones.

This is obviously an attempt to boost Media PR by tricking out a product wave announcement over several days. First by officially announcing some products, then dropping others at parties, then finally leaking others to sources. We don't play those games here, and held off our reporting until they were done announcing.

PCS Intel is not a blog, we aren't going to be blog-ish with our coverage. Our viewers demand complete and comprehensive coverage of devices, and we aren't going to deliver that until Motorola delivers all the details they plan to.

We apologize if you saw (confusing, and conflicting) information on other sites, but, that's what the forums are for to hash out in the interim. Again, Motorola, these PR games hurt your image by confusing your customers more than anything else.
Coffee Anyone? More Wiki Updates
Written by Christopher Price   
Monday, 24 July 2006
Early this morning, we updated the Knowledge Base to MediaWiki Version 1.6.8, which should fix some bugs and improve support for upcoming versions of Internet Explorer. Later this week we're also going to be applying some updates to the forums as well.

Updating to MediaWiki 1.7 has proven more difficult than expected. Our servers have to be upgraded to PHP5, which will require significant testing of the entire site before deployment. But, fear not, we'll get there in the next couple of months.
Searching Improved
Written by Christopher Price   
Thursday, 20 July 2006
We're happy to announce that our Google Sitemap support is out of beta (though, you couldn't really beta test it directly). Every single page covered on PCS Intel (and Sprint PCS Info) is now dynamically submitted to Google for indexing. This includes our Forums and the Knowledge Base.

So, what's next (search-wise)? We're going to expand search support with Windows Live Search, and we're also working on some really powerful integrations with Google directly into the site. We're currently testing several implementations, some of which look very promising.
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